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Keyboard-NEW-OneHourScreenwriterYou already have an idea of what you want to write.  You already have the seeds of a story ready to germinate and grow.  So all you REALLY need is:


1. A Workable Plan: You need to organize your screenwriting time and use every moment effectively. This course has a proven day-by-day and hour-by-hour plan that makes the most of every moment you do have. It has tremendous flexibility and an easy, creative flow. You will be inspired and not inhibited by a clear process designed to enhance your creativity and develop your own unique voice.  Use this course to make every minute writing count.

2. Screenwriting Confidence: These techniques start with your life experience and your own emotional journey so you will write with complete confidence and authority about what you already know best— your  own personal experience! You will learn how to turn your own thoughts, feelings and emotions into powerful fictional stories. Your screenplay will have the ring of truth because it comes from an authentic place deep inside of you!  NO ONE can write your story except YOU!

3. Thoughtful Guidance: I will be with you every single day in writing prompts, every week in audio lessons and written writing assignment.  Hour-by-hour, day-by-day, I will be right along side of you every step of the way, providing gentle questions to prompt you, ideas to inspire you and crucial screenwriting tips, trick and information to lead you in exactly the right direction. You’ll never flounder or stall wondering,“What should I do next?” Everything in the process is carefully and clearly explained. I have been teaching and consulting all over the world for years. I have busted the toughest blocks and have broken through the thorniest plot and character problems in both television and film.  You are in very experienced hands. I know exactly how to encourage and inspire you and move you past all your writing limitations.

I know how to keep a writer writing! I have motivated hundreds of writers just like you to take the crucial steps necessary to complete their screenplay successfully.



James V. Hart, writer of Hook, Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula, Contact, Tuck Everlasting, Sahara and August Rush:

“The absolutely essential reason for any writer to use Laurie’s techniques is because they work. You can actually capture your creative lightning in a bottle, set it on a shelf, and uncork whenever you need it— first draft to the umpteenth revision. I kid you not!”


PotatoChipsOneHourScreenwriterWhat does the One Hour Screenwriter course cost? Less than the cost of a single bag of chips per day!  Forgo just one salty snack and write your script instead.  You will more than pay for the course!  Your dream of writing a screenplay is certainly worth more than a single bag of chips a day?  Get started now.  Sign up today!





1. How to write your screenplay in an easy, creative flow and in just one hour a day!

2. How to use your own life experience and personal emotional journey to create powerful fictional plots and characters.

3. How to blast through writer’s block and other creative stalls that hamper and inhibit your screenwriting.

4. How to create a rich, complex and vivid protagonist.

5. How to solve the most difficult story plotting problems through character actions.

6. How to make your screenplay entertaining, surprising and most important of all, MEMORABLE.

7. How to reveal your character’s back-story in a way that is interesting, fresh and dynamic.

8. How to keep your plotting streamlined, simple and emotionally moving.

9. How to incorporate unique plot twists and turns.

10. How to use all your own fears and inhibitions to create memorable movie moments.

11. How to create and maintain conflict throughout your screenplay.

12. How to make a character’s interior thoughts, feelings and emotions active, visible and observable.


First I will help you will zero-in on the protagonist. My unique and surprising definition of this character contains an essential key that solves a myriad of plotting problems. This important insight alone may help turn your screenplay around and make it work more effectively.

You will also learn a powerful two-minute exercise. In just 120 seconds you will discover what makes a film truly memorable. It’s something that you know already and which is an important trigger in all the films that you love best. You aren’t consciously aware of it. But it is right there in plain sight and your own experience proves it. Discovering this secret is a totally an eye-opening experience. It’s something you can use RIGHT NOW in your own screenplay.


Claire Dobbin, Head of the Australian Film Festival and International Development Executive:
“Laurie’s materials are remarkable because they are are a unique combination of analysis, tools of the trade, inspiration and encouragement. The biggest obstacle to writers is self belief. That is why I find Laurie’s work so inspiring. It acknowledges the painful personal, self-doubting process involved in writing screenplays. Not only that, her work gives writers critical professional tools. It’s a formidable and empowering combination.”


IceCreamOneHourScreenwriterWhat does the One Hour Screenwriter course cost? Less than the cost of a single scoop ice cream cone per day!  Forgo just one frozen treat and write your script instead.  You will more than pay for the course!  Your dream of writing a screenplay is certainly worth more than a single scoop of ice cream a day? Get started now.  Sign up today!

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